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How to FTP your website files into a Web Server

  1. Open your FTP program. Enter the host address in the space provided.
  2. Enter your login ID and your password. If the remote computer is configured to allow Anonymous FTP, you may be able to login without a password or by using "guest."
  3. Click Connect.
  4. You will see two windows containing a list of folders and files when the connection is established. The window on the right represents the folders on the remote computer. The window on the left represents the folders on your hard disk.
  5. Move around in the left-hand window until you have located and opened the folder in which your uploaded file is to be stored.
  6. Move around in the window in the left-hand side until you have found and selected the file that is to be uploaded.
  7. Drag the selected file over to the window on the right. Most FTP programs will allow you to upload this way. If your FTP software doesn't allow this, consult the help file for uploading instructions.
  8. Check that the file is listed with the other files on the right-hand side when the file is uploaded.

We recommend using 'Cute FTP' for ftp'ing. CuteFTP can be downloaded from there website at

You can download a user manual for Cute FTP in Adobe Acrobat format by CLICKING HERE.

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat on your computer, you can download it for free by CLICKING HERE.


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